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  • Registration Information

    Saint Anthony of Padua Regional Catholic School
     is currently offering
    Tuition Grants to New Students
     that transfer from
     Charter and Public Schools. 
     We are also offering
    Welcome Tuition Grants
     for incoming
     Kindergarten Students.
    Financial Aid to those who Apply

    Please call our School Office
     for more information at

  • Mission Statement

    Saint Anthony of Padua Regional Catholic School, a faith-based institution of twenty-first century learners, seeks to instill within students a personal, loving relationship with Jesus while enabling them to achieve individual success in academia. Within a Catholic culture, committed to the growth of the whole person, students embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ and proclaim the Good News while thriving as service-oriented citizens of the global community. 

    Beliefs and Core Values
    • Understanding and appreciation of diversity are critical to world peace and harmony.

    • The learning of life-long skills is essential for success in a changing society.

    • Good self-esteem is directly related to success.

    • Risk- taking and a willingness to learn and change are necessary for continuing growth.

    • Children are our community’s most valuable asset, and they have a right to a safe, loving and learning environment.

    • The culture of an organization is a major factor in shaping individual attitudes and behaviors.

    • Effective education develops the whole person: spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.

    • Nurturance of a deep, mature faith and prayer life of individuals spiritually, energizes and enriches the entire community.